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Copyright © 1994-2003, Daniel Frankl, Ph.D. |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H |
I | J+K | L | M | N | O | P | Q |
R | S | T | U | V | W | X+Y+Z |
F AC | File Access Code (a pass word needed in order to open a file) |
FAN | Family Area Network (I would suggest HAN for Household Area Networking--connecting several PCs within one household and taking advantage of the fastest and best equipped system (also see LAN [Local Area Network]). |
FAP | File Access Protocol |
.FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions (extension of Internet file that lists frequently asked questions regarding most news groups. New comers are urged to read the FAQs prior to posting messages; also see LFAQs & NSFAQBTIWTS). |
FAT | File Allocation Table (keeps a record of the clusters (16 or 32) used by the file). |
FAT 32 | File Allocation Table 32 bit (A system that partitions a hard drive into segments or clusters but, unlike its predecessor FAT 16, can handle hard drives that are larger than 2.0 GB and can store data in smaller clusters, i.e., 4 K versus 32 K. A FAT 32 system is more efficient that a FAT 16 and thus creates more functional space in a hard drive.) |
FCC | Federal Communications Commission (oversees the business --class A--and the domestic class B--standard for computer operation license). |
FCC: | File Carbon Copy (e-mail [electronic mail] header) |
FDC | Floppy Disk Controllers (integrate the functions of the Digital Separator, the Formatter/Controller interface, the Write Precompensation and Data Rate circuity on floppy disks). |
FD | Full Duplex |
FDDI | Fiber Distributed Data Interface |
FDVV | Multimedia Voice Modem (FDVV14I) |
FED | Field Emission Display Panel (Electro-luminiscent technology that like CRTs [Cathode Ray Tube] achieves direct pixel control which is generated by hundreds of minuscule electron emitters that activate a front layer of phosphors on a very thin panel). |
FHSS | Frequency Hopping Standard Specification (specification for splitting bandwidth; also see DSSS [Direct Sequencing Standard Specification]) |
file | A computer generate record, such as a text or graphics document, that may be comprised of a variety of information formats, to include, text, pictures, sound, motion picture or any combination of the above. |
File- name | Name or title assigned to a record saved on a floppy or hard drive. |
File- name exten- sion | Appendix, up to three characters long, describing a file format, such as, wpd, txt, gif, avi, wav, etc... (DOS & Win 3.x, Win 95, 98 & Win NT) |
File Server | A device (server software) that delivers requested files through the Net |
File Site | An Internet location (server/PC) that stores files which Internet users may down-load freely. |
Finger | Unix based application designed to perform an Internet information search |
Fire- wall | A combination of hardware and software that work as a "gate" to a LAN's data base |
FITSC | Faculty Instructional Technology Support Center (CSLA) |
Flamed | An individual that violated the rules of netiquette in cyberspace may receive nasty or insulting message in return or "get flamed." |
Flame War | Nasty verbal (written) exchanges among members of an Internet discussion group. (Do not waste your time with fanatics. Since as Winston Churchill observed, "[they] can't change their mind and they won't change the subject"). |
FLASH | Fast Look-up Algorithm for Structural Homology (A biotech project by IBM that explores new drugs or killer genes) |
FLOPS | Floating Point Operations Per Second (Math co-processor) |
FMnt | Font Maintenance Library (also see UFL [Universal Font Library]) |
FM Synthesis | A digital approximate reproduction of musical instrument sounds |
FM Syn- thesizer | Chip on sound cards used for the production of FM MIDI sounds. |
Font | A specific typeface design that is consistent across all the characters in its group (letters, punctuation marks, numbers etc...as well as relative size). Computer generated font size is defined as a very close approximation of a fraction of 72 (X/72) of one inch. Thus, a 36-point type and a 12-point type would be 36/72 and 12/72 inches in size or ½ inch and 1/6 inch in respective sizes. |
Forms | On-line electronic forms (used for software registration, order of merchandise, etc...through the Internet) |
FORTRAN | Formula Translator (computer Programming Language) |
.fot | Font file extension |
FPC | Floating Point Calculation |
FPNW | File and Print Services for NetWare |
FPU | Floating-Point Unit (built-in Math coprocessor--produces faster graphics & spreadsheet performance) |
FRA | Fixed Radio Access architecture |
FRAD | Frame Relay Access Devices (digital access to voice and data applications) |
Frame Buffer | A standard VGA video board that contains no video acceleration functions and that is controlled entirely by the host processor (also see Controller and 32-Bit Coprocessor) |
Freeware | Similar to shareware in that it may be copied and/or distributed freely. Typically, freeware is copyrighted, and thus may not be modified or reproduced for profit without prior approval of the original copyright holder. |
Frequency | A value expressed in Hertz (Hz) units that represents sound wave self-repetitions per second. |
.frm | Form file extension (e.g., Visual Basic or VB) |
FRPCRS | Forum on Risk to the Public in Computers & Related Systems |
.frx | Binary data file extension |
FSCA | Federal Software Coalition's Anonymous (phone line to call and report software pirates) |
FSF | Free Software Foundation |
FSR | Free System Resources [GetFreeSystemResources()] |
FST | Flat-Square Cathode Ray Tube (flat-square and vertically flat cathodes in monitors; also see CRT [Cathode Ray Tube]). |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol (protocol used for moving information such as, text, graphics, and or software from PC to PC) |
FTP | Transfer of FTP [File Transfer Protocol] files through the use of e-mail |
FUD | Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt (IBM initiated and Microsift adopted the strategy of putting down rival technologies by seeding doubts in potential customers of a competitor's product). |
Full Duplex | Simultaneous transmission of data over the same line (also see Half-Duplex). |
FWIW | For What it's Worth (E-mail acronym) |
FX | Special Effects (e.g., the F/X Power Tool--a special effects program for multimedia presentations). |
FYI | For Your Information (e-mail correspondence acronym) |
Comments, corrections, additions, and questions are welcome:
Page updated: Jan. 04, 2003 |