![]() |
Copyright © 1994-2003, Daniel Frankl, Ph.D. |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H |
I | J+K | L | M | N | O | P | Q |
R | S | T | U | V | W | X+Y+Z |
C |
The C & C++ programming
languages replaced the earlier B version (also see BASIC
[Beginner's All Symbolic
Instruction Code]).
Cache | Memory card where frequently used data is stored (cache
cards are inserted into cache slots on a motherboard).
Computer-Aided Drafting/
Design software (e.g., 3D Home Architect,
Visio etc...).
Customer Access
Line Charge (Fee customer pays to use a phone line;
also referred to as EUCLC [End User
Common Line Charge, or
SLC [Subscriber Line
Computer-Aided Manufacturing
Carefree Access Pricing or
Competitive Access Provider
(a capped price for unlimited Internet access; Carefree access charge by most
ISPs [Internet Service
Providers]) is currently, March 2000, set at $10.00-$20.00 a month; free access
is also available).
Carder |
Individual specializing in stealing credit card information and using it illegally over
the Internet
Colorado Alliance of Research
Libraries (electronic information system)
Communications Applications S
pecifications (Intel & DCA corporations' joint venture communications
Computer Aided Software Engineering
Computer Assisted Systematic
Analysis of Instruction and
Learning (CASAIL is based on the
ALT-PE [Academic Learning
Time--Physical Education]
model for the evaluation of teacher and student performance in a classroom or
during a field session; concept by Daniel Frankl, Ph.D., CSLA, and programming
in Visual Basic 4.0 Professional Edition, by Tony Wu, B.S.).
Center for Applied Technology
(see: www.cast.org/)
Constant Angular Velocity
(combined with CLV [Constant L
inear Velocity] this thechnology allows a steady 16X rotational
speed on a CD ROM drive).
Computer Automatic Virtual Environment (stereoscopic
Common Business LLanguage
(based on EDI -- [Electronic Data
(1) Case-Based Reasoning
(pre-programmed answers to a host of case specific questions) (2) Constant Bit Rate.
Computer Based Training.
Copyright Clearance Center
Charged Couple Device
(video cameras' technology)
Control Creation Edition (VB [Visual Basic] 5.0)
Consultative Committee for I
nternational Telephone and Telegraph
(Based in Geneva, this branch of the ITU [I
nternational Telecommunications Union] develops
standards for modems).
Committee on Computers & P
ublic Policy (Part of the ACM [A
ssociation for Computing Machinery]; also see
CD |
Compact Disk (a highly dense storage medium
that uses laser beams to read data recorded on it).
Communications Decency Act
as of 1995 (When/if the CDA becomes law, information made
available on the Internet that is perceived as "indecent" by some
DA may expose it's author to criminal charges).
CD Audio |
Compact disk or CD ROM
based analog sound signal
Channel Definition Format.
CD-ROM [Compact Disk, Read-Only Memory] File
Courseware Development Group (similar to WebCT, Blackboard, and Academic Systems – which all are web portals for on-line instruction)
CD-I |
Compact Disk-Interactive.
Code Division Multiple Access
Cellular Digital Packet Data network. (PocketNet phone that combines a
cellular phone with a built-in wireless modem that allows the transfer of e-mail and text only
Web based information).
CorelDraw (graphic design software that uses vector-based images).
CD-R |
Recordable Compact Disk drive (may be used for data storage purposes and /or software back-ups; 640 MB of storage space).
CD-ROM Drive |
A special drive on a computer that lets the user run CD-ROM
(compact disk, read-
only memory) programs. A CD-ROM is a
highly dense storage medium (640 MB) that uses laser beams to read data
recorded on them.
Centre de Documentation pour le
Sport (Canadian Sport Discuss--see SIRC/CDS)
Center for Democracy and Technology (nonprofit organization for the protection of free speech and privacy rights)
Cognate Data Technologies
(manufacturer of communication cards EISA standard
Continuous Edge Graphics
(1994 graphics card that is designed to reach the capacity of 740,000
colors simultaneously displayed on the monitor).
Centre Européenne pour la
Recherche Nucléaire (The European
Center for Nuclear Research was the high energy research center where
physicists conceptualized the World Wide Web in order to facilitate the
exchange information with colleagues all over the world)
Computer Emergency Response
Team (group of computer experts that combines efforts to
expose and stop hackers that engage in criminal activity through the use
of computers).
Center for Effective Teaching
and Learning (CSLA).
Computer Fraud and Abuse
Act (U.S.A., 1986)
Chlorofluorocarbon (toxic compound).
CG |
Continuous-Grain silicon (LCD monitor technology)
Color Graphics Adapter
Common Gateway Interface
(A short program that instructs a server how to handle information entered
by a user. CGI scripts may be written in a number of
programming languages, e.g., PERL [Practical
Extraction & Report
.cgm |
Computer Graphics Metafile
file extension (uses vector-based images)
channel |
The path between a sender and receiver (two PCS, e.g.,) that carries one stream of data.
Character |
Any single symbol (e.g., @, #, $, &...), number (1, 2, 3...), and or letter (a, b, c...).
Character- Based Interface |
A program relying on text, rather than graphics, for interaction with the user.
It is traditionally used with DOS applications, especially
older ones.
Chat Groups |
Topic related discussion groups on the Net. To join a discussion group on the Net one
needs access to a PC or server that supports a chat service format, e.g., IRC
[Internet Relay Chat].
Child Nodes |
Records in a hierarchical database are organized in nodes. A parent node is
connected to a number of child nodes. For example, statistics for a soccer team's season's
performance may include specific games and specific player performance on a variety of
match-related skills or nodes, such as, shots-on goal, interceptions, completed passes, etc...).
Check command file or .chk
DOS command file extension, e.g., CHK
DSK (DOS command to check
Chunk |
A data block (a 512-byte sector is the
smallest data chunk on a hard drive; a data chunk
DOS uses to communicate with a hard drive consists of a
number of sectors called a cluster)
Chunking |
A web designer's method of breaking large blocks of information into smaller
concise segments that are easier to read and better fit a standard computer screen.
Creative Incentive Coalition (a group whose mission is to protect copyrighted materials on the Internet; for more info. See: www.cic.org)
Customer Information Control System.
Classless Inter-Domain Routing addressing (allows the acquisition of an arbitrary block of consecutive addresses when supported by your ISP [Internet Service Provider])
CompuServe Information Manager (e.g., Win CIM 1.4)
Computer Industry Media Study (Internet advertizing; for more details, see: research@mecklermedia.com)
Cisco Information Online (derived from the city name 'San Francisco')
Compuserve Information Service (Internet access provider).
Complex(?) Instruction-Set Computer (also see RISC [Reduced Instruction-Set Computer]).
Common Log Format
Client |
In the context of client/server exchanges, the client is a PC
or a software application that requests information from a server
(another computer or program).
Client application |
Program that contain embedded objects from other OLE-aware
[Object Linking & Embedding]
Client Area |
Area contained within the borders drawn by Windows for an application
that is running within Windows.
Clipboard |
A transient data storing space that holds (Copied and/or
Cut) images or text for immediate or later transfer
between Windows applications.
Clipper Chip |
The NSA [National Security
Agency] introduced in 1993 a fingernail-size chip--the
"Clipper Chip"--which scrambles communications
to assure security and privacy on the Information Super Highway.
The catch to this chip is the fact that "Uncle Sam" has the code and
thus can listen in.
Clicking |
Quick depression & release of the mouse button while pointer is
positioned in a specific spot on the monitor.
Clock> |
Electric circuit in a PC that forms electrical pulses that coordinate
circuit operations.
.clp |
Clipboard file extension
The Commission on Learning
Resources and Instructional
Technology (established by CSU's former system
Chancellor Munitz)
Creative Labs Sound
Blaster (Sound Blaster standard for PC
compatible audio).
Cluster |
Several sectors of data on a hard drive ranging in size from 2K to 32K.
Hard drive partition size of 512MB-8GB has a 4K cluster size.
Partition sizes of 8+ -16GB, 16+ -32GB, and 32+ GB have an 8,
16 and 32K cluster size.
Constant Linear Velocity (combined with CAV [Constant Angular Velocity] this technology allows a steady 16X rotational speed on a CD ROM drive)
Chemical Markup Language
Computer Mediated Multimedia Systems
Completely Metal Oxide Semiconductor.
Completely Metal Oxide
Silicon (Battery powered memory chip that preserves system
set-up, date & time information when PC is turned off).
Kodak precision Color Management
System that facilitates color consistency from scanner
to printer.
Cyan, Magenta, Yellow &
Black (color scheme for "true" Laser
CND | Caldera Networked
Desktop (uses Linux OS
[Operating System]).
C.N.E. |
Certified Netware Engineer
(Novel Training Certificated Program)
Coalition for Networked Information
(higher education Internet2 affiliated organization)
COmmon Business-Oriented Language.
Code |
Language, as in program code or programming language.
"Code Red" |
A worm that infects and overloads NT and Win 2000 servers by taking advantage of its
defective IIS [Internet Information Services] web server software (can be readily fixed
with free software from Microsoft).
"Code Red II" |
A worm similar to "Code Red" that infects and overloads NT and Win 2000 servers by taking advantage of its
defective IIS [Internet Information Services] web server software (can be readily fixed
with free software from Microsoft). Red Code II is more destructive since in addition to
overloading network systems it also reboots the server and leaves an open "back door"
through which a hacker could access or control the infected system.
Coding |
The process of writing a computer program.
Color Intensity |
As the saturation level of colors increases it produces more vivid pictures
(printer technology).
Component Object Model
(replacing OLE [Object Linking
& Embedding],VB 4.0 Professional Edition; also see
.com |
COMmand file extension of an MS-DOS
Program file.
.com |
commercial Internet domain code. The most common domain codes are: .edu (Education
and Research Institutions), .gov (government related web sites), .net (Network and
communications centers), and .org (other, typically non-profit, organizations,
e.g., npr.org or pbs.org).
Commerce Server |
Also called Web storefront creation package is a software package that creates a
virtual store within a web site. Site visitors are able to browse, register, load virtual
shopping carts with goods and services and pay for the purchases with cyber cash, credit card,
or the conventional bank or personal check via snail mail.
Common Operational Database |
A company or shared database containing information on daily company operations.
Common User Database |
A company or shared database serving company personel (includes Common Operational Database
information and additional sources of information).
Compiler |
Program that converts source code (procedural language) to the object code (machine
Compound document |
Data file in which you embed objects within other embedded objects
(storage object); also known as multilevel embedding (OLE
inside an OLE [Object Linking
& Embedding]).
Compress |
Files that contain redundant information may be shrunk to a smaller
size without losing any vital information in the process. Thus,
once decompressed a compressed file includes all
the original information.
Computer Crime |
Crime committed through illegal use of computer technology (most commonly committed by
employees using a company PC; also see "Crackers" and "Hackers").
COM Slot | COMmunication port on the
motherboard where I/O [input/output] cards may be inserted (e.g., COM1, COM2,
Configure System MS-DOS
file (text file that contains commands that arrange and connect the PC's
optional device drivers (e.g., hardware components such as memory,
keyboard, mouse, printer,
sound card, graphics accelerator card,
fax/modem etc...).
Constel- lation |
Netscape's Internet Webcasting technology (Netscape's equivalent to
Microsoft's joint venture with PointCast for the delivery of news, e.g.,
MSNBC, on the Internet)
Controller |
Video hardware device that provides a fixed set of video acceleration
functions (also see Frame Buffer and 32 Bit
Conven- tional Memory |
MS-DOS memory that constitutes up to the first 640K of your
PC's memory.
Cookies |
Small programs that visited web sites send to be placed in the visiting PC's hard drive.
These programs then track the visitor's activities on the visited site (e.g, number of visits,
specific areas and time spent in those areas...). PC activity privacy may be maintained by
setting the browser not to accept cookies .
Copland |
Apple Computer's OS "System 8" to be replaced by NeXT
technology OS.
Coproces- sor (32 BIT) |
Programmable video accelerator that can function in parallel with the host
Copyright |
(Digital Information) -- see
Library of Congress, ||
Clearance Center, || Stanford's
Copyright and Fair Use Site ||
and Gopher's Site
Common Object Request
Broker Architecture (technology that supports
WWW based video-on-demand services)
Copyright Office Electronic
Registration, Recordation, and
Deposit System (The Library of
Congress system for quick verification of copyright status and ownership of
"Intellectual Property."
Committee for Open Systems
(open-or barrier-free interfaces; e.g., Sbus & NFS
[Network File System]
from Sun).
.cpi |
Character set--Code-Page
Information--information file/DOS extension.
CP/M |
Control Program for
C-Print |
computer-assisted speech-to-print transcription system (employs a typist to enter both instructor's lecture and student comments into a laptop for simultaneous display on a separate monitor so that students with a hearing impairment can read and follow communications that take place in the classroom)
CPU | Central Processing
Unit (The microprocessor chip or the
"cortex" of a PC. For a Windows environment, an Intel
chip 286, 386, 486 or Pentium; for a Windows NT
environment any of a number of Intel or RISC
Computer] processor chips).
Crack |
Software designed to check password security by trying to break (crack) a
set of passwords, e.g., user name + user ID found in password files on
networks (for more information see: ftp://cert.org/pub/tools/crack/
Craker |
Unlike the "Hacker" who finds pleasure in the challenge of unauthorized entry into
computer systems, the cracker uses illegal access for damaging criminal activity
(the difference between "hackers" and "crackers," however, does NOT make hacking
Cyclic Redundancy Checking
(a sending and receiving modem data transmission error detection technique)
Corporation for Research and Educational Networking
(higher education Internet2 related organization)
Color Resolution Enhanced Technology (HP color printers)
Critical Path |
A feature in Project Management Software that outlines the "critical path" or
the series of tasks that require the most time to accomplish.
Carriage Return/Line Feed (Two special reserved characters utilised by DOS to indicate a new line in a text field or text file).
Crossposting | Sending message to several different news groups that share a common interest in that message. Crossposting is different from "spam" in that a viewer of a crossposted message in one group will not that message again while visiting the other groups |
Cathode Ray Tube (flat-square
and vertically flat cathodes in monitors; also see FST
[Flat-Square Cathode
Ray Tube]).
Circuit Switched Data and
Voice (ISDN [Integrated
Services Digital Network]
B-channel configuration)
Compressed SLIP [Serial
Line Internet Protocol]
allows a faster transfer of information on the Web.
Combined Symbol Matching
(fax compression technology invented by Compression Labs--the fax is
compressed right before transmission and then decompressed as it is displayed.
Compressed faxes are transmitted in significantly shorter times and thus
cost less).
Cascading Style
.csv |
comma separated variables
(ASCII [American Standard
Code for Information Interchange]
file extension)
CT |
(1) Computer Technology (2) Computer Telephony
(1) Computer Technology Consultant (2) Cornell Theory Center
Computer Telephony-Enabled Internet.
(1) Computer Telephone I
ntegration ("soft phone" software allows MS-Windows-based PCs to
perform standard telephone functions). (2) Compile-Time Instrumentation technology (software feature by Nu-Mega Technologies Inc., that automatically detects errors in code language for Windows developers).
Clear To Send (or RTS Request to
"C" (see) "U" (you) later (E-mail acronym)
Cumulative Trauma Disorder |
Also known as RSI [Repetitive Strain Injury] and/or
Repetitive Motion Injury, is the wear and tear on wrist, neck, hand
and arm resulting from fast highly repetitive motor action.
Current |
Number of electrons passing through a given point (measured in AMPERES --
one ampere is the equivalent of 6.28 * 10[18] electrons traveling through
a given point in one second).
Cyber- Cash |
Electronic cash, e-cash, or digital cash are all synonyms for currency that
is handled over the Internet.
Cyber- manners |
Netiquette, or etiquette rules for behavior while on the internet (e.g., read group
FAQs [Frequently Asked Questions]
before asking questions as you join a discussion group on the Net; do not try to dominate a forum
Cyber- space |
Internet environment where PCs from all over the world can through
modems and telephone line connections share information and
communicate (term erroneously attributed to former vice president Al Gore was actually coined by
William Gibson in 1982).
Cyrix | CPU [Central Processing Unit] chip manufacturer; see the Cyrix-History page for more information (also see AMD, Intel & NexGEN). |
Kids First Soccer || Cal State LA
Comments, corrections, additions, and questions are welcome:
Page updated: Jan. 08, 2003 |