I currently serve as professor of Kinesiology and Nutritional Science at
California State University, Los
Angeles. Over the past 30+ years I have taught physical education and kinesiology majors at six higher
education institutions over two continents.
Kinesiology courses I currently teach inlude
KIN 250 -- Introduction to Kinesiology,
KIN 380 -- Psychological Analysis of Physical Activity ,
KIN 385 -- Sociocultural Analysis of Physical Activity, Historical Analysis of Physical Education and Sport,
as well as, two
graduate level courses,
KIN 504 -- Research Design in Human Performance & KIN 507 -- Cultural Analysis of Physical Activity.
I am a graduate of the Zinman College of Physical Education
and Sport Sciences at the Wingate Institute,
Israel (1973), The Nat Holman Coaching School at the Wingate Institute, Israel (1973, Track &
Field; 1978 Olympic Gymnastics), SUNY Brockport, New York (1982, B.S., Physical Education), SIU, Carbondale, IL
(1984, M.S. Social Psychology of Sport; 1989 Ph.D., Sport Psychology). My teaching experiences also
include elementary and high school physical education, and 30+ years of coaching and teaching at the
college and university levels.

questions and/or
comments; thank you!
Copyright © 1997-2016Daniel Frankl,