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A crucial aspect of goal-setting
is the appraisal of initial skills and abilities. Armed with
the knowledge of her/his players' baseline soccer motor skills,
the coach's task of setting short, intermediate, and long-term
motor skills and fitness goals is greatly facilitated. Still,
to be able to evaluate a player's performance, suitable skills
tests must be selected and then must be properly administered.
The purpose of this page is to provide parent coaches with phase and age appropriate skills tests. The criteria used in the selection of the specific motor skills to be evaluated are based on (1) the range and scope of skills that may be expected of a child at any given phase, (2) the relevance of the skill tested to game conditions at the tested phase (content validity--does the test measure whatever it is intended to measure?), and the ease of administration and accuracy of test results (reliability--repeatability: do the same testing procedures produce the same results?). Data I collected over several years with beginner, intermediate, and advanced college students enrolled in general education soccer classes, revealed strong relationships among a number of individual skills tests and game conditions performance. Juggling, dribbling, and shuttle run tests produced r = .78 or stronger inter-test correlations. Dribbling ability was the one best predictor of overall class performance (r = .87). A correlation coefficient of .87 represents an r square score of .7569 for the tested sample. Simply put, this means that 75+% of the overall student performance in my soccer class' skills component could be explained by dribbling ability alone. What the above data suggest, is that it may be possible to test kids on two or three skills to determine their game conditions rank in any given soccer league. The data also suggest that skills test batteries that involve more than three game strategies (e.g., dribbling, heading, suttle run, passing, etc.), more often than not, constitute a wasteful duplication. Consider your answer to the following question: How many cups or bowls of vegetable soup one needs to consume to be able to say whether he/she liked it or not? AYSO's Region 71 "Player Rating Worksheet" (New 11/12/96) attachment IV includes player evaluations in three game related domains:
The use of an extensive list of abilities for player ratings, while well meaning, is based on the naive assumption that it will accurately predict game conditions player effectiveness. In reality, it infrequently results, in gross errors of over- or under-estimation in individual player rankings. Thus, systems that use more extensive testing procedures than others, are not necessarily better. Also, rankings generated from ability testing procedures should be reevaluated and readjusted based on player performance observations under game conditions . While AYSO's Region 71 "Player Rating Worksheet" may constitute an overkill as a player rating system, it is a superb system of individual player progress data recording. The three domains covered in the AYSO's Region 71 "Player Rating Worksheet" provide a more accurate intra-, as opposed to an inter-player performance evaluation. In plain English, the rating worksheet provides more valid information on individual progress (when repeatedly administered over time) than it acts as a valid "player rank generator." |
Informal Phase I (GRADES: 5 - 6; Ages: K - 1) |
Use of inside, full instep, and outside of the foot; start and stop; change rhythm and direction (note that the use of the sole of the foot and both feet for dribbling was purposefully left out at this phase) | position of balancing foot; contact with ball; possession of ball; peripheral vision, speed/agility to ball control ratio | |
Passing ![]() Objective test |
Use of inside of the foot ground balls with variations in distance (force) and direction | position of balancing foot; contact with ball and control of ball; peripheral vision; follow through; speed and accuracy of ball redistribution | |
![]() Objective test |
Use of full instep with variations in direction (left, center, and right wings). | planting of balancing foot; contact with ball and control of ball; follow through; distance and accuracy of punt | |
Dash ![]() |
Develop an effortless, smooth, and relaxed running style. | Running style: knee lift, arm work, and leg extension; position of torso; running path |
![]() The Balancing Foot's Role in Dribbling The positioning and pointing direction of the balancing foot is most critical to dribbling (and juggling, trapping, passing, and shooting). Note that the difficulty in dribbling increases along with the requirment to change rhythm and direction at increasing speeds. Ball control is achieved by maintaining a delicate balance on one foot while manipulating the ball with the other. |
Controlled Contact with Ball
Dribbling: Ball Protection |
Dribbling: Spacial Awareness
Trapping: Balancing Foot
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Trapping: Eye Contact and Timing
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Trapping: Ball Control and Protection
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Trapping: Ball Redistribution
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![]() The Balancing Foot's Role in Punting The pointing direction of toes, and the planting position of the balancing foot are critical to controlled cocking of the kicking foot and proper contact and follow-through. A proper toss that is "in sync" with the planting/cocking is also very important for effective and powerful punting. Take note of the the position of the player's arms in the above punting sequence. |
Running differs from walking by including a flight and a recovery phase in addition to a recurring support phase. Another major difference is that, whereas in walking there is an overlapping of the stance phase, in running there is an overlapping of the swing phase (Adrian & Cooper, 1989). Developmental Stage and Running Velocity Available data on age and running speed suggests a fairly consistent positive relationship between a child’s developmental stage and her/his running velocity (Fountain, Ulrich, Haubenstricker, & Seefeldt, 1981). Girls' running speed peaks approximately at the age of 14 to 15, while boys' running speed continues to improve well over 17 years of age. When boys' and girls' running speed is examined in relation to developmental stage, a somewhat weaker relationship is observed. Developmental stage explains only 19 percent of the variance in running velocity in boys and 29 percent in girls (Seefeldt, Reuschlein, & Vogel, 1972). Running Mechanics As the running style matures is takes progressively less time for children to complete a 30-yard dash. While running efficiency improves naturally with age, a thorough understanding and mastery of running mechanics is needed to minimize energy waste. Baeta and McKenzie (1989, pp. 95-96) stress the importance of the following attributes for efficient running mechanics:
Sprinting Ability Analysis1 Name: _____________________ Age _______ Grade _____ M / F
Cal State LA
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