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Peer Reviewed and On-Line Indexed Publications
- Frankl, D. (2013, November). Narrative research addressing the challenges of a career in professional Sports.
Journal of Teaching, Research, and Media in Kinesiology. http://www.sports-media.org/articles/artikel-1-JTRM-November-2013.pdf
- Van Damme, G., & Frankl, D. (2013, March). Flipping" in P.E. ... turn P.E. upside down!
Journal of Teaching, Research, and Media in Kinesiology. http://www.sports-media.org/column/Flipping-PE-Sports-Media-2013.pdf
- Frankl, D. (2010).
Cash-for-Goals in Youth Soccer: Adults Gone Wild .
Column - The New P.E. & Sports Dimension, http://www.sports-media.org/ --
Indexed with SIRC--SPORTDiscus
- Frankl, D. (2009).
A Rocky Path to Racial and Gender Equality in Sports Reporting. Dean’s Leadership Forum On Diversity, March 16, 2009,
Widener University School of Law, Sport, Minorities and the Media: Race, Gender and Disability – Access and Images (Dr. Frankl's "Sports, Minorities and the Media" panel remarks)
- Frankl, D. (2009, January).
Guarding our children’s heads: Heading Safety in Soccer.
Column - The New P.E. & Sports Dimension, http://www.sports-media.org/ --
Indexed with SIRC--SPORTDiscus
- Frankl, D. (2008).
Shooting for the Stars: The Dream of a Career in Professional Sports.
Column - The New P.E. & Sports Dimension, http://www.sports-media.org/ --
Indexed with SIRC--SPORTDiscus
- Frankl, D. (2007). Youth Sports: Innocence Lost.
Column - The New P.E. & Sports Dimension, http://www.sports-media.org/ -- Indexed with SIRC--SPORTDiscus
- Frankl, D. (2006). "How About Some Muscle?" McCloy Is Right!
Column - The New P.E. & Sports Dimension, http://www.sports-media.org/ -- Indexed with SIRC--SPORTDiscus
- Frankl, D. (2005).
Gender Bias in Sports: Separate and Not Equal. Column - The New
P.E. & Sports Dimension, http://www.sports-media.org/ -- Indexed with SIRC--SPORTDiscus
- Frankl, D. (2004).
Taming the beast: Excessive parental involvement in youth sports. Column - The New
P.E. & Sports Dimension, http://www.sports-media.org/ -- Indexed with SIRC--SPORTDiscus
- Frankl, D. (2003).
Should Elementary School Children Take Part in Inter-School Sports Competition?
Column - The New P.E. & Sports Dimension, http://www.sports-media.org/ -- Indexed with SIRC--SPORTDiscus.
- Frankl, D. (2002).
Recruiting Practices in Youth Sports: Who's Winning? Column - The New P.E. & Sports
Dimension, http://www.sports-media.org/ -- Indexed with SIRC--SPORTDiscus.
- Frankl, D., & Babbitt, D. (1998). Gender bias: A study of high school track & field athletes’ perceptions
of hypothetical male and female head coaches. Journal of Sport Behavior, 21(4), 396-407.
- Frankl, D. (1996). Swimming and diving project for youth: Aquatic skills and the development of self-esteem.
Kineziologija, 28(1), 14-19.
- Frankl, D., Thirer, J., & Lutzker, J. (1986). Behavioral coaching and selected skill development in soccer.
Applied Research in Coaching and Athletics Annual, 1, 83-100.
Published Abstracts
- Wang, X., Frankl, D., & Tam, C.F. (2003, March). Differences of dietary intake, by gender, age, and
BMI in three regions in China-Fushun, Beijing, Haining, and the USA-Los Angeles. Federation of American
Societies for Experimental Biology Journal, 17(4), 295.
Invited Publications
- Frankl, D. (2004). Sport parenting: A kids first approach. The Soccer Source
- Frankl, D. (2003, Fall). Understanding psychological recovery from sport injuries. The Soccer
Source, 1(3), 6-7.
- Frankl, D. (2000). Heading safety, Youth Sports Journal (Invited article by the National Alliance for Youth Sports).
- Frankl, D. (1998). Communications Task Force report, CAHPERD Journal, 60(4), 3.
Invited Publications on the Web
- Frankl, D. (2003). Goal setting. Focused on Soccer, http://www.weinwaysports.com/ffs_article-01.htm
- Frankl, D. (2003, December). Understanding Psychological Recovery.
www.thesoccersource.com/t/thesoccersource/ default.asp?S=E3&Document=Soccer+Psychology
- Frankl. D. (2002). Air Pollution and Running. Posted on the News link at the Kids Running
web site: http://www.kidsrunning.com/news/soccerfirst.html
- Frankl, D. (2002). When "excellence" is the goal, everyone is a winner! (Part 1)
Fundamental Soccer. http://www.fundamentalsoccer.com/members/FRANKL2.html
- Frankl, D. (2002). When "excellence" is the goal, everyone is a winner! (Part 2)
Fundamental Soccer. http://www.fundamentalsoccer.com/members/FRANKL3.html
- Frankl, D. (2002). When "excellence" is the goal, everyone is a winner! (Part 3)
Fundamental Soccer. http://www.fundamentalsoccer.com/members/FRANKL4.html
- Frankl, D. (2000). Coaching philosophy. SoccerMom. http://www.isoccermom.com/coaching.htm
- Frankl, D. (2000). Getting ready. SoccerMom. http://www.isoccermom.com/coaching.htm
Translated Original Web Articles
- Frankl, D. (2001). Développer une Philosophie de l'Entraînement (The Development of a Coaching
Philosophy). http://membres.lycos.fr/entraineurdefoot/mon_site/frankl.html
- Frankl, D. (2001). Desarrollo y progreso del jugador (Player Development).
- Frankl, D. (2000). Desarrollo de las habilidades fundamentales (The Development of Fundamental
Skills). www.efbp.20m.com/desarrollodeljugador.htm

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