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Hi, Hi Dany, A second opinion on this issue would be greatly appreciated. (Raul Solorio, 06-15-04) How can I explain to 12-year olds how to move on a soccer field? For example, how should I teach them to play
the zone defense? I am interested in addressing specific game strategies, such as, how to play a line of 4, or
sometimes 3, depending on the opponent? (4-02-04) -- JOSE What are the positive and negative effects on children playing full contact sports, such as
Pop-Warner football? Should injury be an expected and tolerated outcome of sport participation? (Jason R., 11-08-03)
Why should one always first warm-up before stretching? (Alejandro Valdivia, 11-01-03) What are the advantages of using training grids in soccer? (7-29-03) My teenager son insists that all he wants to do is play football (soccer) and turn professional.
He just cannot see that he may not be a good enough footballer to play professionally and he would
not consider any other options. Can you give me any advice on either what to tell him or where I
could take him either for training or consulting? (July 06, 2003) How can I encourage parents to motivate their children in sports and discourage them at the same time
from coaching their children from the sidelines? (3-15-03) We don’t even keep score but our U8 girls soccer team coach mostly plays those girls who he says give
the team the "best chance to win". Is it unreasonable for me to be getting irritated about this? (10-09-2002)
Dealing with my husband who coaches our son. (03-03-2002) Your reaction and comments to this week's question
are welcome.
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